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Muswell Hill Primary School

End of year Expectations

Y1-6 Curriculum Overview

Our creative curriculum recognises the inter-disciplinary approaches to deepening children's subject knowledge through carefully planned and linked activities, bringing learning to life.

Our approach is to ensure children master skills, knowledge and understanding in all subjects of the national curriculum.  Learning objectives are identified as core components of the learning journey and provide a backbone for progression and development as children move through the school.  We enhance these objectives through exciting projects, links with the local and wider community and through exciting activities extending learning into the home. Further information about the National Curriculum can be found on GOV.UK.

national curriculum

Information about the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which is followed in Reception can be found on our EYFS Curriculum Overview page.

Teachers will send out Topic Letters towards the beginning of each term to let you know what the children will be learning. You can find our topic letters under the relevant Phase in Our Classes & Children. 

Home and Remote Learning Guidelines

You can support your child's learning in the home by following our Home Learning Guidelines.

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For further guidance on Remote Learning and managing home learning using Teams please refer to our dedicated Remote Learning section where you will also be able to download our latest remote learning plan.