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Muswell Hill Primary School

Design Technology

The purpose of design technology is to teach children to develop the skills to design and make products to solve problems.

To do this the children need to draw on their knowledge of other subjects such as maths and science.

At Muswell Hill Primary School we teach D.T. in a cross curricular way so that children will find it easier to draw on their knowledge in other subjects. We ensure that each project has a planned realistic outcome so that it is a meaningful experience for each child.

As part of our ambitious 5-year plan, we want our children to understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook. We understand the importance of this skill in making healthy life choices. The school aims to develop an edible garden and create a learning environment where every child can be taught key skills and knowledge for cookery instead of being reliant on support from the community to deliver this aspect of the curriculum. Our aim is to use ingredients from the garden when making dishes - Plot to Plate.

In line with the national curriculum 2014, the curriculum at MHPS aims to ensure that all pupils: https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum/key-stage-1-and-2