Physical Education
At minimum, children in Y1-Y6 receive 2 hours of direct PE teaching each week.
This is additionally supplemented by extended provision (After-school clubs), in-class physical activity, and organised games on the playground. Through the Haringey Schools Sports Association, Muswell Hill Primary School children have many opportunities to showcase their talents in intermural activities with other schools.
We work in partnership with ‘Kickabout’ and all of our children have access to highly qualified PE coaches that delivers our Physical Education Curriculum, which includes: Dance, Gymnastics, OAA, Athletics, and the three strands of games: (Invasion, Net/Wall, and Striking/Fielding). All units are tailored to the age group being taught. All staff have access to sequenced learning units from GetSet4PE to ensure there is a universal minimum standard of teaching and learning.
Additionally, the school uses some of its Sports Premium Grant to have two sports coaches out each lunchtime leading on daily games. All classes run/walk ‘A Mile A Day’ as part of their daily curriculum.
In addition, our Year 5 children receive one year of weekly swimming lessons held at the Priory Road Swimming Baths, with an additional top-up swimming lessons held for Y6 children (who do not meet the outcomes for KS2 swimming) in the summer term. Each year group also participates in a unit around disability sports (linked to the Paralympics), while as a school we actively make adjustments for children with additional needs to better access PE lessons.
Please note that studs or blades are not allowed in school and should not be worn on the premises under under any circumstances.
In line with the national curriculum 2014, the curriculum at MHPS aims to ensure that all pupils: